Implement Fizzbuzz in Elixir
Let solve the classic programming challenge called “Fizzbuzz”. I get the problem statement from
Problem #
“Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.”
Then let break it down:
- Given X from 1 -> 100
- If X multiple of 3 return
- If X multiple of 5 return
- If X multiple of 3 and 5 return
- Otherwise return the number
Above all, make sure we understand the problem correctly. If yes, cool! So now let the hacking begin!
Implementation #
Let use the Mix tool to initialize a new project:
mix new fizzbuzz
And here is the generated directory structure.
├── _build
│ ├── dev
│ └── test
├── lib
│ └── fizzbuzz.ex
├── mix.exs
└── test
├── fizzbuzz_test.exs
└── test_helper.exs
Follow TDD approach, we start by writing some tests in the fizzbuzz_test.exs
defmodule FizzbuzzTest do
use ExUnit.Case
import ExUnit.CaptureIO
describe "go/1" do
test "return fizz given the divisible number by 3" do
assert Fizzbuzz.go(3) == "fizz"
test "returns buzz given the divisible number by 5" do
assert Fizzbuzz.go(5) == "buzz"
test "return fizzbuzz given the divisible number by 3 and 5" do
assert Fizzbuzz.go(15) == "fizzbuzz"
test "return the number given the indivisible number by 3 and 5" do
assert Fizzbuzz.go(11) == 11
describe "go/2" do
test "prints the result of each number given a list" do
assert capture_io(fn -> Fizzbuzz.go(14, 15) end) == "14\nfizzbuzz\n"
Then implement the main program. While implementing, we can run the test by using mix test
command to verify our implementation.
defmodule Fizzbuzz do
def go(min, max) do
Enum.each(min..max, fn n -> IO.puts go(n) end)
def go(num) do
case { rem(num, 3), rem(num, 5) } do
{0, 0} -> "fizzbuzz"
{0, _} -> "fizz"
{_, 0} -> "buzz"
_ -> num
How to run it #
We can run the programming by this command
iex -S mix
In the Elixir IEX
Fizzbuzz.go(0, 100)
r(Fizzbuzz) # for reloading the application if any code change.
Learning #
If someone says this program is for a newbie and simple, - yes. However, for a newcomer to the Elixir world, I think it is useful to help you learn the syntax as well as the language features.
What we can learn from the above program:
- Some basic syntax in Elixir
- Testing in Elixir
- Practice some shortcut keys with your IDE/Editor
In the end, please try to read, understand and rewrite it in another way if you could.
Thank you for your reading!