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Thanh’s Notes

Setup StyleLint for Phoenix project

·2 mins

In this post, I will share how to integrate StyleLint with a Phoenix project. It’s quite useful for automation validating your CSS code and avoid some common errors.

The main idea is to install the stylelint using package.json, but we don’t use it in Webpack. We use mix command instead.

Let start the first step, by adding the stylelint and its related packages to devDependencies section of the package.json file:

File: assets/package.json

  "devDependencies": {
    "stylelint": "^13.13.0",
    "stylelint-config-standard": "21.0.0",
    "stylelint-scss": "3.19.0",

Create stylelint config file file assets/.stylelintrc, this config is be loaded automatically by stylelint command.

For more details about supporting rules and configurations, you can check here then update it to adapt your project requirements.

  "plugins": [
  "extends": [
  "rules": {
    "scss/at-rule-no-unknown": true,
    "at-rule-no-unknown": [
        "ignoreAtRules": [

Let’s move on to the next step, we need to add StyleLint to Phoenix Mix Task by open file, then add these lines to the existing method aliases. You can change codebase and codebase.fix to whatever you want.

  defp aliases do
      codebase: [
        "cmd ./assets/node_modules/.bin/stylelint --color ./assets/css"
      "codebase.fix": [
        "cmd ./assets/node_modules/.bin/stylelint --color --fix ./assets/css"

From now on, we can use the command mix codebase or mix codebase.fix to check or clean your stylesheet code. We also run this command on the CI as well, so it will help us validate the style files on CI.

Thanks my co-worker has suggested me this approach. It’s great. :)

Further action:

  • Check how to integrate it with Webpack.
  • Integrate with Intellij Idea.