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Thanh’s Notes

The colon in Ruby is quite confusing

·2 mins

The position of the colon in Ruby code confused me for a few days.

1. Before a text (:foo) #


In route definition

redirect_to :action => "edit", :id => params[:id]

redirect_to method

In the view

  <%= link_to "Delete", article, confirm: "Are you sure?", method: :delete %>

The method: :delete is quite confusing. It’s actually {method: :delete}

:delete is not change in the application. so we can use :symbol here. But why not use constant?

symbols are values, constants are not. (Constants are references to values). Symbols evaluate to themselves, constants evaluate to whatever value they reference.


Check the API docs of link_to method

def link_to(name = nil, options = nil, html_options = nil, &block)
  html_options, options, name = options, name, block if block_given?
  options ||= {}

  html_options = convert_options_to_data_attributes(options, html_options)

  url = url_for(options)
  html_options["href"] ||= url

  content_tag("a", name || url, html_options, &block)

so the confirm and method is the html_options

This method accepts 2 params

  • action
  • id

2. After (foo:) #

Keyword arguments #

def calculate_total(subtotal:, tax:, discount:)
  subtotal + tax - discount

subtotal, tax, discount are required and allow switch order of arguments.

calculate_total(subtotal: 100, discount: 5, tax: 10)

Hash key #

if we want a string is a hash key then must arrow/rocket syntax

# this will work
my_hash = {
  "cool" => :thing
#=> {"cool" => :thing }

# this will not work
my_hash = {
  "cool": :thing
#=> { :cool => :thing }
# converts the string "cool" to a symbol
# in a hash:
my_hash = {
  :cool => :symbol
# is the same as...
my_hash = {
  cool: :symbol


3. Double colon #